8 Questions to Ask Yourself When You Are Decluttering Your Home
Decluttering Checklist
1. If I were shopping today, would I buy this?
This helps you determine if the item still holds value or relevance in your life.
2. Have I used or worn this item in the last year?
If you haven’t touched it in a year, chances are you won’t miss it.
3. Will I realistically wear this\Use?
Be honest with yourself about your habits and lifestyle. If it’s not practical, it might be time to let go.
4. Am I only keeping this because I do not want to waste money or feel guilty because I spent a lot of money on this?
Remember, the money is already spent. Keeping an item out of guilt doesn’t value to your life.
5. Am I only holding on to this because of sentimental reasons?
Sentimental items can be challenging but consider if they truly bring you joy or if they are just taking up space. Do not hold onto items because of guilt.
6. Do I have similar items that serve the same purpose?
Redundancy is a common clutter culprit. Keep the best and let go of the rest.
7. Does this item fit me well or fit with my current living spaces?
Whether it’s clothes or furniture, items should fit comfortably and complement your space.
8. Have I been holding onto this item with a plan to fix/alter it in the future? How long have I been planning on doing this?
If it’s been a while and you still haven’t gotten around to it, it’s likely you never will. Let it go and free up space.
By asking these questions, you can create a living space that is organized, functional, and filled with items that truly add value to your life.